From planting thousands of trees and seedlings, to installing more solar PV systems, running a zero emission fleet, upgrading 400 streetlights to LEDs and awarding $1.07m+ grants to local residents, groups and businesses, the City of Cockburn’s state of sustainability is on track. The City’s 11th annual State of Sustainability Report has been adopted by Cockburn Council with a new action plan due to be developed in 2022. The annual report confirmed that 100 per cent of the 76 key performance indicators (KPIs) in the City’s Sustainability Action Plan 2017-2022 have either been achieved or are in progress. In 2020-21, nine of 14 targets across important sustainability areas including water conservation, waste minimisation, energy and emissions reduction, and biodiversity were also achieved. Highlights include the completion of the garden waste bin rollout, receiving a Platinum Waterwise award, production of renewable energy for council facilities and a zero emissions fleet.