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Alumni Kelli and Marta launch sustainability platform | Blog for Masters & MBAs | EADA
We interviewed Marta Andres and Kelli Wasylik, who recently completed the International Master in Sustainable Business & Innovation and are crafting a platform…

Albertsons goes all in on sustainability
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David Schumacher, et al: “The New Fire” | Talks at Google
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Dubai Supreme Council of Energy & Etihad ESCO conduct online webinar on energy sustainability
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Webinar: Accelerating Inclusive Farmer-Led Irrigation Sustainably – GWP
The second session aims to: Discuss the various aspects of sustainability and potential trade-offs for FLI development Discuss innovative approaches to ensure water access remains equitable to all water users as FLI development is acceleratedIntroduce innovations for sustainable use of water resources during FLI scale-up; The webinar participants will delve into these important issues in a 1.5 hour discussion with global experts in sustainable smallholder farming.