, Air pollution makes it harder for pollinators to find plants, TheCircularEconomy.com

Air pollution makes it harder for pollinators to find plants

, Air pollution makes it harder for pollinators to find plants, TheCircularEconomy.com

Exposing bees, butterflies and other pollinators to air pollution severely impairs their ability to sniff out the plants they feed on. That could be bad news for both insect populations and the crops that rely on them for pollination.  Pesticides and land use changes are two of the biggest drivers of plummeting insect numbers, but a new field trial suggests that polluted air caused by diesel cars may be a major cause too.  Previous evidence from lab studies has shown how air pollutants degrade the floral odour particles released by plants, making it harder for insects to locate them.

Read the full article at: www.newscientist.com

, Air pollution makes it harder for pollinators to find plants, TheCircularEconomy.com

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