ALDI ranks first out of 20 retailers for reducing single-use plastic
Greenpeace ranked 20 of the largest U.S. grocery stores for their efforts to eliminate single-use plastics, here’s how the retailers did.
Greenpeace ranked 20 of the largest U.S. grocery stores for their efforts to eliminate single-use plastics, here’s how the retailers did.
The latest episode of The Engineers Collective is out now. To listen click here.This month, NCE editor Claire Smith is joined by news editor Rob Horgan…
The global commercial real estate industry has reduced energy consumption in several key areas, helping to improve energy use intensity.
3M’s stated mission is to use science to solve pressing global challenges – as shown in a recent rollout of its smog-reducing roofing materials.
Scotland’s Orkney Islands generate more electricity than they need via a host of wind turbines. Orkney used to be a study in how to use energy unsustainably. The archipelago off the northern tip of Scotland bought and imported all its power from coal and gas plants on the Scottish mainland.
Scientists and private sector team up for sustainable management of Congo Basin forests…
The current use of plastics is not sustainable due to the tremendous amount of discarded plastic waste accumulating as debris in landfills, oceans and other natural habits across the world. Mechanical recycling, which as related to plastics is also called back-to-plastics recycling, has been used since the 1970s. However, the quantities of recycled plastics vary geographically. Lately there has been a noticeable uptick in buzz around chemical recycling technology as a potential solution to the plastics crisis. Meanwhile, critics point to drawbacks which include environmental health risks, inefficiency in terms of the amount of waste plastic that becomes new plastic, and high costs.