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Can funding for conservation be more sustainable and resilient?
This June a statue that had stood in Bristol, U.K., for 125 years was thrown into Bristol Harbour because the philanthropist it depicted had made his fortune by trading slaves. Among the many debates raised by this is one with relevance for conservation: What’s more important, what you do with money, or where it comes from?

Canada’s Single-Use Plastics Ban: What You Need To Know
The ban will likely include plastic bags, straws, cutlery and plates.

A Decade For Sustainable Investors To Prove Economic And Sustainability Returns
Investing in environmentally-driven businesses has traditionally been a roller coaster, with expectations not being met. Sustainability encompasses a much wider range of topics than just energy and climate change.

Single-use masks could be a coronavirus hazard if we don’t dispose of them properly
From midnight tomorrow, it will become mandatory for anyone in Melbourne and Mitchell Shire leaving their homes to wear a mask. Many people have already been wearing masks for some time in a bid to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.

How UPMC plans to sustain 50% of telemedicine growth post pandemic: Q&A with CMIO Dr. Robert Bart
To help maintain the telemedicine growth achieved during the COVID-19 pandemic, UPMC’s chief medical information officer Robert Bart, MD, is focused on opportunities in urgent care, post-operative and prenatal care.

9th European conference on sustainable cities and towns: Manheim 2020 | Newsroom
The responsibility for collective health and well being lies not only with local leaders, but also with decision makers at all levels of government, business, the research community and, last but not least, with citizens. We have to change systems, value chains, habits, processes and ourselves.