Applied DNA Sciences helps companies on sustainability
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Get updates on Applied DNA Sciences helps companies on sustainability and more news related to textile industry at Fibre2Fashion…
Liquid Technology, an industry-leading IT asset disposition service provider, recently announced that they will be hosting their annual Earth Day event in collaboration with Marcus Partners, a real estate and commercial property firm, for a fourth consecutive year. To help combat the damaging effects of improper e-waste disposal, Liquid Technology holds this yearly event offering tenants of the Merritt 7 office park in Norwalk, CT the opportunity to safely and ethically recycle their unwanted IT assets. Global environmental concerns are on the rise, and e-waste disposal has become a critical consideration as the IT industry grows.
The Husky Green Awards recognize individuals and groups across all University of Washington campuses who lead the way for sustainability at the University of Washington. This is the 12th year the awards have been awarded by the UW Environmental Stewardship Committee as part of the UW’s Earth Day celebrations. The Husky Green Awards are given to students, faculty and staff from the Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma campuses who show initiative, leadership and dedication. See all the 2021 Husky Green Award recipients below.
One of the most polluting industries, denim has been closely watched for its adverse environmental impacts. This has led the industry to accelerate sustainability innovations and inspire the fashion industry towards a greener and cleaner future.
There are an estimated 500 million smallholder farmer families globally, many of whom make up a large portion of the world’s poor. With 2030 fast approaching, achieving SDG 1’s target of eradicating extreme poverty for all people necessitates addressing smallholder poverty with urgency. This Evidensia learning event, in partnership with IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development) and the Living Income Community of Practice, explores what role voluntary sustainability standards can play in achieving this and how.
Sonoco Europe, a unit of Sonoco (NYSE: SON), has become a member of the Industry Council for Packaging & the Environment (INCPEN). This represents an important step in Sonoco’s ongoing effort to further develop its sustainability and corporate social responsibility credentials – and to help promote environmental awareness and decisive action in the wider packaging industry.
INCPEN works closely with its wide-ranging membership base, which includes some of the world’s largest enterprises, as well as small, local firms. The organisation has been working with the United Nations on its sustainable development goals as it continues to work tirelessly to form a society that operates in harmony with the planet’s natural resources.
Social enterprise sets up shop selling reusable school uniforms in sustainability drive %…