Celebrities and Models Supporting Sustainability Activism
Famous champions of sustainability include Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Shailene Woodley, Joaquin Phoenix, Olivia Wilde and Emma Watson.
Source: wwd.com
Famous champions of sustainability include Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Shailene Woodley, Joaquin Phoenix, Olivia Wilde and Emma Watson.
Source: wwd.com
As part of our Mission Possible campaign, edie brings you this weekly round-up of five of the best sustainability success stories of the week from across the globe.
As of February 2018, Pakistan is the fifth largest contributor of uniformed personnel to United Nations peacekeeping, with more than 6,000 men and women serving under the UN flag. Pakistani peacekeepers have played a vital role over the past 13 years in Liberia, where, among other duties, they…
The series of three public training, awareness and information events on sustainable tourism issues, organised between July and October 2020 in Sicily by CISP – lead beneficiary of CROSSDEV – have been successfully concluded. …
Sustainable living is the need of an hour. Its important to make conscious efforts to adapt to better ways of living. Natural and eco friendly skin care products is one such way.
News industry : Primark has launched its first jeans made entirely from sustainable cotton with a debut across the UK and Europe as the company responds to consumer demand and continues its work with farmers in India and Pakistan.
Leaders from Amazon, Danone, Salesforce, Mars, General Mills and others share how plans have changed and where they’re holding firm.