Cruise Industry in Baltic Sea Region Focuses on Increasing Sustainability
Seven countries have signed a new Cruise Baltic Sustainability Manifesto.
Seven countries have signed a new Cruise Baltic Sustainability Manifesto.
Under severe economic pressure, it’s tempting to see social responsibility as dispensable, but it’s as essential as ever to long-term strategy, argues Clare Press.
What do we know about the impacts of the Marine Stewardship Council seafood ecolabelling program? A systematic map Voluntary Sustainability Standards and ecolabels are market-based mechanisms used to encourage producers and consumers toward environmental sustainability. The Marine… Journal article
Top 3 corporate sustainability trends all business leaders should watch in 2019, identified through one-on-one conversations with companies across industries.
Most plastics carry a recycling label, but few are convenient to recycle in Switzerland. For 30 days, journalist Susan Misicka saved all of her plastic garbage. She filled four shopping bags, but found that not even half of the waste could be recycled. Is it as bad as it sounds? Currently, the Swiss collect 80,000 tonnes of plastic for recycling – mainly PET drink bottlesExternal link, plus milk, shampoo, detergent and other high-quality bottles. In theory, Switzerland could recycle an additional 112,000 tonnes of plastic per year. Put another way, everyone in Switzerland could collect and recycle another 14kg of plastic per year. But there is no federal system and few processing plants for recycling plastic in Switzerland.
After a year of working from home, some people are looking forward to getting back to the office. As we shift into this transitional period while companies navigate the future of the workplace, here are some tips to make your work life more sustainable. Printing
The average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper each year and 45% of paper printed ends up in the trash by the end of the day. Printing might seem mundane – but it’s expensive, wasteful, and harmful to the environment. Next time you go to hit “Print,” ask yourself: Do you need to print out that document or will a digital copy suffice?
As a leader, circularity is going to be a key concept that you will want your team to understand. But how do you create a culture of circularity?