Event review: Vitafoods 2019 focuses on sustainability
Vitafoods 2019 showcased a range of new product solutions for the nutrition space, with a strong focus on sustainability.
Source: www.foodbev.com
Vitafoods 2019 showcased a range of new product solutions for the nutrition space, with a strong focus on sustainability.
Source: www.foodbev.com
Joseph Mulama rummages through a pile of used printer cartridges stored in a corner of his Smart Tech Cybercafé, on Tom Mboya Street in Nairobi, wondering how to get rid of them. The dusty and bulky cartridges that Mulama has accumulated over the years have now become unsightly trash, taking up valuable space, gathering dust and even housing pests. His printers cannot use refilled cartridges, so he has to buy new ones to replace those that are used up.
Who your customers are may factor into sustainability decisions.
Socially-conscious brand Gandys has released a range of transitional jackets that are lightweight and comfortable yet hardy enough to withstand the British autumn.
MRD is looking for papers that help understand urbanization and emerging rural–urban relations in mountains, or that propose ways of shaping these transformations to increase sustainability; and for syntheses and comparative studies across mountain regions.
Until a few years ago, farming in southern Iraq was “as lucrative as oil”, Qasim Abdul Wahad remembers, and his one-hectare farm plot in the governate of Basra produced enough to feed his family of eight. Now dust kicks up under his feet as he walks through his land, after worsening extreme heat and drought linked to climate change killed 90% of his winter crops, including all of his okra and eggplant. “Only a few years ago I would be able to sit here and relax. It was very green and beautiful. When I look at it now, I feel like a member of my family is gone,” the 50-year-old said. Abdul Wahad, who has spent his life farming in the village of Abu Al-Khaseeb – the names means “father of the fertile” – thinks he will soon have to abandon his land, to try to seek more fertile ground elsewhere.
People have become progressively interested in green boiler technology for their households and businesses. That’s due to numerous driving factors, such as increasing awareness of the need for collective action to mitigate climate change’s effects and a desire to save energy. Thus, many are curious about the benefits of a green boiler and how installing one at a home or commercial building could help meet energy-efficiency and eco-friendliness goals. Here’s a look at how green boilers work and how they’re becoming more common in today’s society. What Are the Main Categories of Green Boiler Technology? Green boilers encompass a broad category of possibilities and each one works differently. Plus, the definition of a green boiler remains fluid. Whereas some models are merely ultra energy efficient, others use the Earth’s resources to work and are less dependent on fossil fuels.