Feminist leaders are forging sustainable places and economies
In February 2020, Sir Michael Marmot launched his review on Inequalities and Health saying that ten years of austerity in ……
Source: www.compassonline.org.uk
In February 2020, Sir Michael Marmot launched his review on Inequalities and Health saying that ten years of austerity in ……
Source: www.compassonline.org.uk
Like many good things in life, wind turbines don’t last forever. But disposing of retired turbine blades has become a headache for the renewable energy industry. They’re made of materials that can’t easily be recycled. But from cycle shelters to bridges, life-expired blades are finding innovative new uses around the world. And the first 100% recyclable turbine blades have just been produced in Denmark. Up to 85% of an existing wind turbine, including the steel mast and electrical components made of metals like copper, can be recycled, but not the turbine blades, which already account for 10% of Europe’s fibre-reinforced composite material waste.
Nearly 50 years ago, US Senator Gaylord Nelson spearheaded the first Earth Day, sparked by the devastating 1969 oil…
We’re launching and updating our Sustainable Diets pages throughout September and inviting you to check back regularly to work through the information. There will be: Updates to our One Blue Dot toolkit Exciting webinars, Supporting activities like Recycle Week & British Food Fortnight New projects from our corporate partners, including new resources from our Sustainable Hacks competition winners. Full schedule coming soon. Keep up with the latest updates by following #BDASustainableSeptember on social media, and please use the hashtag to let us know what you’re doing to be sustainable this month!
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group appointed a new international head of sustainable finance, as demand for ESG-related funding continues to grow especially in Asia.
I hope that by now we are more than clear on what we can and need to do about our dwindling carbon budget. If you are not thinking ‘science-based targets’, you really need to catch up — keep reading.
Last week, the link between the economy and ecology was explored as a premise to answering the question of how the Philippines must rethink its development strategies. After all, adaptation and mitigation to climate change is most urgent in a country directly facing…