Geneva bans sale of single-use plastic on public land
Starting in 2020, the city of Geneva will prohibit the sale of disposable plastics at events as well as at sales points on public property.
Starting in 2020, the city of Geneva will prohibit the sale of disposable plastics at events as well as at sales points on public property.
The Internet of Things to drive sustainability and safety and the concept of smart cities forward.
Electricity drives us towards a cleaner, more efficient, and more versatile world of energy, a world we need to care about individually to manage finite resources, environments, and inhabitants. The backbone of this move towards a cleaner world requires a safe, modern, efficient, and reliable power supply needs; for this, we need smart electrification. The pressures of globalization, climate change and urbanization will shape how and where we live. In a keynote at Hannover Messe 2021, Matthias Rebellius is a Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG and CEO of Smart Infrastructure, argues as the world changes at a growing and rapid pace, sustainability will become at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
Flokk has 40 years’ history of a structured focus on the environment, enabling us to be leaders in the development of sustainable furniture. We believe in a holistic approach, that foes way beyond the materials we use.
I keep finding more. Probably should stop looking. 476. Summary of Club of Rome in tetrahedron (Anthony Judge 2018) Mapping of Come On issues onto 3-tetrahedra compound (12 vertices=”unsustainable trends”; 18 edges=”strategies”) 477.
Kenya should earmark adequate resources to support waste recycling in the cities and boost post-COVID-19 recovery through job creation for women and youths, executives said on Thursday. Karin Boomsma, director of the Sustainable Inclusive Business Kenya, said that investments in the circular economy will boost Kenya’s green agenda while unleashing opportunities for vulnerable groups affected by COVID-19 disruptions.
FRoSTA IT director Ben Windhorst shares how the midsize German frozen food company is driving digital transformation across the company.