Geospatial tech critical for building a sustainable world
The growing complexity of social, economic and environmental challenges requires us to embrace geospatial technologies and collaborations…
The growing complexity of social, economic and environmental challenges requires us to embrace geospatial technologies and collaborations…
Multi-actor initiatives in action: lessons from the Sustainable Diets for All programme Wenny Ho, William Chilufya, Mangiza Chirwa, Maria Gomez, John Kiwagalo, Frank Mechielsen, Maria Teresa Nogales, Aurora Stobbelaar, Immaculate Yossa Daisy Project material Sustainable Diets for All (SD4All) is an advocacy programme, coordinated by IIED and Hivos, which is designed to improve access to healthy and sustainable diets for low-income communities, while highlighting the important link between food and climate.
Sustainable Communities Initiative The Sustainable Communities Initiative (SCI) is about how we collectively develop place, space, culture, institutions and businesses in ways that sustain our communities socially, culturally, ecologically and economically. Our aim is to help stabilize rents, provide affordable “green” housing, create quality living wage jobs, and lay a foundation for the sustainable transformation of Jackson’s economy through cooperative enterprise and solidarity economics.
The notion of overtourism captures the situation when tourism has grown out of proportion, either in terms of societal implications or natural impacts. It is the situation when tourism is not improving the quality of life for inhabitants but rather decreasing it and also when tourists are experiencing deteriorating service and a widening gap between what they pay for and what they get … With the current global halt of tourism due to COVID-19 the attention of researchers, policymakers and tourism entrepreneurs has swiftly moved away from overtourism towards the state of no-tourism and further how to re-start tourism in post-covid times.
Daily news and commentary for sustainability, energy and environmental professionals. edie provides in-depth reports and business guides, exclusive research, videos, webinars and podcasts, and a content hub for sustainability products and service suppliers.
The Environmental Services Association (ESA) has today (20 August) launched the second of two new reports looking at what it will take to meet the (weight based) recycling targets proposed by the EU Circular Economy Package.
This webinar, the second in the series, focuses on how we build on the excellent work of recycling in Wales to progress further up the waste hierarchy and realising the environmental, economic and social benefits of this approach.