The world’s population is growing, as is the demand for food, which means there is a pressing need to feed more people with a limited amount of land. For example, if the planet’s 7.6 billion people were to consume as much food as the average person in the United States of America, global demand would exceed the available land. In fact, it would take nearly 4.5 worlds to meet this demand. But there’s more for sustainable farming to consider than the need to supply all humanity with sufficient, safe food: this also has to be done while making the lowest possible ecological impact. The planet’s limited resources need to be used as efficiently as possible. The need to meet the world’s growing demand for food is creating a dilemma for dairy farmers: production has to be ramped up, but they also need to do their part to fight climate change. The solution is reliable products that allow farmers to not waste resources, and automation represents an opportunity to do this. The dairy industry is steadily transitioning to a more sustainable and efficient way of working, enabling suppliers to meet the world’s growing demand while also lowering emissions and water use.