Greenpeace calls for Nestle to act over single-use plastics – Reuters
Environmental group Greenpeace on Thursday accused Nestle of not doing enough to…
Environmental group Greenpeace on Thursday accused Nestle of not doing enough to…
Sustainably is at the forefront of many employees’ minds, meaning it is essential that HR……
Supermarket chain Aldi has strengthened its efforts to cut down plastic waste production by introducing a ban on single-use plastic bags.
Few topics receive greater hype in the media today than the Internet of Things (IoT), and still a report produced by McKinsey & Co. last summer argued that the potential impact of IoT technologies might actually be understated. An estimated economic impact of $3.9-11.1 trillion a year by 2025 was the bottom line of McKinsey’s research.
Starving manatees will soon be fed by hand in Florida, a rare wildfire intervention to save the marine mammals whose natural food is vanishing from the effects of pollution, state officials told Reuters. “Unified Command does have approval to move forward on a limited feeding trial,” said Carly Jones of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in an email to Reuters ahead of a formal announcement later this week. The move, authorized by the federal government, is highly unusual in conservation, which tends to favor leaving wild animals to their own foraging and hunting lest they become dependent on human handouts.
The Fellowship Programme is designed to bring highly qualified people from academia, the business world, and civil society to the institute, who provide expertise, inspiration, and creative input…
GSK Consumer Healthcare (GSKCH), has announced today that it is partnering with two global packaging suppliers to launch fully recyclable toothpaste tubes across its specialist and science-based oral health brands, including Sensodyne, parodontax and Aquafresh. The first partnership, with strategic packaging supplier, Albea, which is one of the world’s largest tube manufacturers, will see GSKCH switch its toothpaste tubes from aluminium barrier laminates to the patented Greenleaf laminate. The switch-over will begin with Sensodyne Pronamel tubes, which will be available in fully recyclable alternatives in Europe this July. This will be bolstered by a second partnership with EPL Global to produce tubes in Platina laminate. Both laminates have passed recycling-readiness tests set by the US-based Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) and by Europe’s RecyClass, meaning that the tubes will be recyclable and compatible with existing recycling processes. It is anticipated that the combined moves will see over a billion toothpaste tubes per year recyclable by 2025.