Grocer Big Y to Phase Out Single-use Plastic Bags
The grocer will offer special discounted pricing and promotions on its reusable bags during 2019 to ensure a smooth transition.
The grocer will offer special discounted pricing and promotions on its reusable bags during 2019 to ensure a smooth transition.
Rob O’Grady is an engineer and father of three who has been stirred to action by his reflections on environmental issues and his everyday encounters with the perversity of our current system. Trained in the discipline of “sustainability engineering,” he discerned early in his career that to talk of sustainability in the world of business and politics was “to pour from the empty into the void,” because the underlying context is subversive of such efforts. Rejecting a career dealing in irreconcilable contradictions, he went into the construction industry and helped to build a thriving company that employs some 150 people. But he continued to think about environmental and economic issues.
COVID-19 continues to threaten the world s health and economy. Unfortunately, many of the people testing whether new drugs including those to treat COVID-19 are safe and effective are being laid off, furloughed, and losing the training and education programs they rely on to do …
Wastewater Treatment Virtual In-Plant Training 2022 Wastewater treatment operations and processes at Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) consume considerable energy, and their energy requirements are only increasing with stricter effluent quality standards and growing direct and indirect water recycling demands. To operate cost effectively, sustainably, and reduce their carbon footprint, these critical utilities must deliberately manage their energy use and costs. The Better Plants program has developed a special series of INPLTs for this purpose.The Better Plants program will deliver virtual INPLTs for wastewater treatment systems (Wastewater VINPLTs) from April 12 to May 31, 2022. The Wastewater VINPLTs will be performed online by wastewater experts and energy efficiency experts. The Wastewater VINPLTs comprise eight (8) 2.5-hour online training sessions (2-hours formal training and optional 30 mins Q&A) that will be delivered every Tuesday 10:00 AM–12:30 PM ET for eight (8) consecutive weeks.
Designing sustainable, nurturing school environments presents many challenges. One of those challenges involves designing for safety and security. How do you design a beautiful, sustainable school that is both welcoming and secure, without the trappings of a “hardened” approach to school safety? In the case of the new Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut, answering this question involved listening to and engaging the school community throughout the design process.
The Slovenian parliament passed a motion to adopt an EIT Climate-KIC-led proposal called “A Deep Demonstration of a Circular, Regenerative and Low-Carbon Economy in Slovenia” last November. The initiative is one of eight Deep Demonstrations launched by EIT Climate-KIC, which together offer a test…
The scale of the climate crisis requires that companies change the way they operate. Yes, it would be easier to simply purchase carbon offsets and continue to do business as usual. But if we are going to succeed in reversing climate change, companies must take the next step and transform their…