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News Release
American Electric Power’s 998-megawatt (MW) Traverse Wind Energy Center, the largest single wind farm built at one time in North America and one of the largest wind facilities worldwide, is now providing clean energy to customers in Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Traverse is expected to generate 3.8 million megawatt-hours annually for AEP’s Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) and Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) customers in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. The 356-turbine facility spans Blaine and Custer counties in north central Oklahoma. Traverse is the third and final wind project to compose the North Central Energy Facilities, which provide 1,484 MW of clean energy and will save customers an estimated $3 billion in electricity costs over the next 30 years.

A nuclear-free world is crucial for sustainable development
A nuclear-free world is crucial for sustainable development Description automatically generated”Most people are completely, blissfully ignorant about the…

3 Reasons Why CFOs Should Be Firmly Focused on Sustainability
Worldwide, businesses are recognizing the power of green. With the social and economic impacts of climate change impossible to ignore, more and more companies are starting to introduce sustainable business practices. And they’re realizing they aren’t just great for the environment—they’re just as good for business too. According to a report from the Business & Sustainable Development Commission, investing in green business practices will open up $12 trillion worth of cost savings and market opportunities across the global economy by 2030.

Holmen – We help our customers in their sustainable business!
The key to profitable, long-term and sustainable business is our climate-smart products that help our customers make sustainable choices. Read more!

How smart sustainable labelling can reduce the carbon footprint of food packaging
In recent years we’ve seen people of all ages taking to the streets to demand action on climate change from governments and corporations around the world. Global warming is now as likely to be discussed by your kids in the playground or by your colleagues on a coffee break as it is by politicians…

Circular economy research: positive signs as most FMs understand framework and ‘workplace opportunity’ emerges
Over half (53%) of workplace and facilities management professionals have a good or excellent understanding of the circular economy framework concept, while only 13% report little or no understanding, findings from the second phase of the IWFM Sustainability Survey 2022 reveal. However, almost a third (30%) of FMs have little or no understanding of the circular office and how circular economy principles relate to workplace management, presenting an opportunity for the profession to potentially make further cuts to embodied carbon in workplaces by enhancing their knowledge on the subject.