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Doing well by doing good: the business case for sustainability
There is a business case for prioritising sustainability that goes well beyond its societal benefits, new research shows. Businesses are increasingly reaping bottom-line benefits from focusing on environmental and ethical issues.The research, carried out by packaging company Smurfit Kappa and Longitude, a Financial Times company, surveyed 200 UK business leaders. It found that 83 per cent of businesses now believe that sustainability is a business opportunity to be exploited. Some 72 per cent expect sustainability to be an enduring trend – and 74 per cent are committed to staying ahead of their competitors on sustainability issues.

Indigenous Peoples Task Force focuses on sustainability –
The $5 million project could start this fall and wrap up by spring 2020.

Viewpoint: From biofuels to food flavorings, here’s 10 ways biotechnology boosts sustainability
As climate change looms over our future, many industries are turning to biology for solutions to make all aspects of our lives more sustainable for the…

Running existing Docker images as single-use containers : docker
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Why Evolving Human Nature is the Key to Sustainability
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Community, Sustainability and Ice Cream: Selva Nevada
For decades, Colombia’s internal armed conflict halted rural development across the country. Travel to remote rural towns was dangerous and, due to lack of infrastructure, sometimes even impossible.Drug traffickers, one of the main drivers of the conflict, encouraged farmers in these regions to switch…