Reformation Strides Into Sustainability With New Ref Shoes Line
Reformation is launching a dedicated shoe collection—a first for the L.A. brand.
Reformation is launching a dedicated shoe collection—a first for the L.A. brand.
Ikea is transforming into a circular business by prolonging product and material life.The firm’s head of circular business development, Malin Nordin, explains what this involves…
As consumer demand for sustainable fashion accelerates, apparel companies are ambitiously planning to significantly ramp up their offerings and transparency in the coming years.
Sir, – I was intrigued to read that the words “circular economy” mean little to the public and half of the members of Irish Business and Employers Confederation admit that they have not a clue what it means (“‘Circular economy’ legislation set to have huge impact”, News , June 19th). Back in the day, reuse, repair and recycle were the norm, and domestic appliances like cookers were built to last for over 30 years and other items like clothes and schoolbooks were carefully handed down. So it seems we are going round in circles. Perhaps not such a square thing. – Yours, etc, AIDAN RODDY, Cabinteely, Dublin 18.
Retailers seek sustainable foodservice packaging solutions…
If you were to create a pile of all the LPs, cassettes and CDs you ever owned how big would it be? Where are they all now? Did you throw them out? Recycle them?The impact of technology on the environment is massive – both positive and negative.
Kroger pledged to eliminate single-use plastic bags from its stores by 2025.