Sustainability Glossary: Wellness
As part of the Metropolis Perspective: Sustainability special issue, we asked experts to provide refreshed definitions of key sustainability concepts.
As part of the Metropolis Perspective: Sustainability special issue, we asked experts to provide refreshed definitions of key sustainability concepts.
McKinsey & Company’s “Fashion’s New Must Have: Sustainable Sourcing at Scale” survey shows sourcing moving to a more sustainable model.
The European Commission has adopted its latest Circular Economy Action Plan for Europe; a necessary move but one that will prove challenging for the beauty industry, says Cosmetics Europe.
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals acknowledge the critical role South-South cooperation plays in global development. So do other important global agendas, notably the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the Addis Ababa Action…
Henkel, parent-company of Schwarzkopf, has announced it is taking decisive steps towards sustainable packaging.
Pay for the product, not the packaging. Start filling bottles, not landfills. These are just a few of the value propositions Algramo, a Chile-based company, has introduced in recent years. In business for a decade, Algramo is a circular economy game-changer … and still very much on the rise. Algramo provides a self-service, cashless way to buy big brand cleaning products in a more sustainable way. Algramo stations – which are smart dispensing systems, similar to vending machines – are set up at retail locations, including Walmart, throughout Chile. The process is simple: users download an app, charge their account, bring their reusable bottle to an Algramo dispenser and then select how much of a cleaning product they wish to buy. Having just secured $8.5 million in funding from Mexico’s Dalus Capital, with participation from Angel Ventures, FEMSA Ventures, Volta Ventures, Impact Assets, University Venture Fund, Century Oak Capital and Closed Loop Partners’ Ventures Group, Algramo says it will launch pilot stations around the world.
Fans of the luxury Italian fashion house and vintage arcade games will be able to play with characters inspired by the faces of Gucci Bloom…