Sustainment Training Engages and Supports Sales Representatives
Sustainment training is a powerful tool for ensuring that sales reps not only maintain but sharpen their product knowledge.
Sustainment training is a powerful tool for ensuring that sales reps not only maintain but sharpen their product knowledge.
Google’s Fashion Friday Pledge encourages “outfit-repeating” to reduce waste.
For this project, scientists are analysing fluorescent protein structures from nature and testing how thet need to modify them so that they bind different fluorescent organic molecules.
Promoting sustainability seemed to be the guiding mantra for many Boulder County businesses attending the Outodoor Retailer Summer Market, which opened Tuesday in Denver, as well as for the event itself.
A trend towards using plastic parts in electrical and electronic goods is causing a headache for the recycling industry…
With How2Recycle label acceptance and expected to be on-shelf next month, the grocery-store-bin recyclable #2 packaging available in pouch and roll form will be shown during PackEx Toronto June 4-6. Providing flexible packaging for more than 45 years, Tempo Plastics Ltd., Innisfil, ON, Canada, has…
To feed our growing global population, modern agriculture needs to boost food production. Meeting anticipated demand however will generate environmental damage, in turn undermining our future capacity to produce food. Sustainable intensification of agriculture is one solution. This conceptual framework aspires to: Increase food production per unit area, reduce the impact on the environment, sustain – or improve – the natural resource base on which agriculture depends for future generations strengthen resilience to future environmental change. How to achieve this is the subject of much debate and the focus of the ASSIST (Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems) programme.