Twinings Sustainability and the Environment

Twinings Sustainability and the Environment

At Twinings, we’re concerned about the use of plastics and are taking action to improve the sustainability of our products and reduce their impact on the environment.  Across Twinings products in the UK, more than 90% of our current packaging materials are recyclable, and we are working hard to improve the remaining non-recyclable materials. We support the principle of Remove, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse and believe that, whilst there is currently an important role for some types of plastic to help package and protect our teas, we should ensure we are using the right packaging materials, in the right way, as part of a ‘circular’ economy.

Circular Economy in Practice – Curtin Credentials

Circular Economy in Practice – Curtin Credentials

How do we transition from a linear ‘take-make-dispose’ system to a circular economy that promotes a more sustainable future?  Single-use products that cannot be recycled or reused create vast amounts of waste and endanger the environment.  Explore how to operate sustainably and turn waste into new resources by observing the effects that waste has on the environment, and become familiar with tools used to measure these impacts. Through practical examples you will learn more about the principles of circular economy – ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ – and understand some of the most advanced technologies that support a change towards a circular society.
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