The ‘world’ produced 44 MILLION tons (88 BILLION pounds!) of e-waste in 2017
A new report reveals the annual value of global e-waste is more than $60 billion…
A new report reveals the annual value of global e-waste is more than $60 billion…
Few topics receive greater hype in the media today than the Internet of Things (IoT), and still a report produced by McKinsey & Co. last summer argued that the potential impact of IoT technologies might actually be understated. An estimated economic impact of $3.9-11.1 trillion a year by 2025 was the bottom line of McKinsey’s research.
Broaden opportunities for people and ensure more inclusive growth across the Asia-Pacific, urged the 2020 Chair of APEC Senior Officials, host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in 2020. At Langkawi, site of the APEC Informal Senior Officials’ Meeting, senior officials deliberated the forum’s policy agenda for the incoming year, marked by strategies that emphasize inclusion as much as growth.
With the EU Green Deal in place, the role of natural and renewable gases for transport decarbonisation must be recognized. Gas in transport is ready to complement a set of solutions that will gradually change our way to move and to transport freights around the world.
Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture – Land Based Education – At Viva Farms in Washington State – 2020 The Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture is a…
As global tourism spreads to more remote locations, deliberate measures can create positive outcomes for the environment—and local cultures.
There is great market potential in the plant-based dairy alternative category, with innovation in beverages, frozen desserts, and vegan slices, and more. To help companies and startups stand apart from the crowd, Kerry has released a Plant-based Dairy Alternative Toolkit. This virtual toolkit is designed to give innovators in the U.S. simple, scalable, and sustainable solutions to help with plant-based food and beverage product development and growth prospects. “Emerging and innovative plant-based brands and products need straightforward expert assistance, a road map to scalability, and a focus on sustainability—which Kerry’s 2021 proprietary research says is important to 75% of consumers in this category,” said Elizabeth Horvath, Vice President of Marketing at Kerry North America, in a press release.