Thought For The Day: Sustainability
With the New Year upon us we may reflect on some of the big issues that the world is facing. One of the biggest is our stewardship of the planet and our use of resources in a rational and sustainable way.
With the New Year upon us we may reflect on some of the big issues that the world is facing. One of the biggest is our stewardship of the planet and our use of resources in a rational and sustainable way.
April 2019 may well go down as a defining month in the ongoing battle to halt, and ultimately reverse climate change. Global climate strikes led by school children paved the way for the Extinction Rebellion protests to capture the interests of the…
Single-use bathroom amenities have been removed from voco Gold Coast in an effort to reduce its plastic usage, with refillable bottles now in all rooms.
Space exploration is driving the creation of futuristic technologies that have a potentially vast range of applications on earth if they are effectively harnessed by business and innovators.At the next edition of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW), a le…
Awesome on the palate and kind to the planet – that’s Mad Giant, brewer of the beer just named Grand Champion (overall best beer) at the 2018/19 African Beer Awards.Having rock ‘n rolled to the titl…
As lockdown eases in some countries but not in others, and as the death toll continues to rise, there may be a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel of uncertainty – as long as the world does not backtrack, back to business as usual, nor falter on the promised path toward a sustainable future.
I keep finding more. Probably should stop looking. 476. Summary of Club of Rome in tetrahedron (Anthony Judge 2018) Mapping of Come On issues onto 3-tetrahedra compound (12 vertices=”unsustainable trends”; 18 edges=”strategies”) 477.