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New York’s Plastic Bag Store stocks groceries made from single-use bags
Brooklyn artist Robin Frohardt has used old plastic bags to create foods such as tomatoes and sushi rolls for an installation in New York’s Times Square.

Ganges and its tributaries have become highways for plastic waste travelling into the oceans
In an effort to identify plastic accumulation and leakage hotspots along the Ganges river, a recent project in three north Indian cities found that roughly 10%-25% of all the plastic waste generated was littered and was not routed into recycling or appropriate waste disposal channels. This litter, which is either generated in or accumulates in the different cities’ hotspots is a major source of plastic leaking into the riverine system in the area, especially during the rainy season. Much of the litter was multilayer plastic packaging, disposable bottles and cutlery, nylon sacks, and polythene bags.

Planned Obsolescence vs. Right to Repair: Fixing Our Own Broken Stuff Should be Standard
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Mineworx Technologies Ltd completes commissioning of its Greater Vancouver e-Waste recycling plant
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