Urban Travel, Sustainability & Accessibility: ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCO
FAMOUS FISHING BOATS By 1950, the port of Essaouira was the most important for Sardines in Morocco. Also for export of cereals. …
FAMOUS FISHING BOATS By 1950, the port of Essaouira was the most important for Sardines in Morocco. Also for export of cereals. …
Natural scientists often highlight that without accurate measurements of a phenomenon we cannot manage that phenomenon. However, when optimizing the use of resources in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus to maximize outputs, minimize environmental impacts and ensure future sustainability, data alone may…
The World Wildlife Fund South Africa is launching a citizen-science project to understand what happened to Cape Town’s aquifers.
After a local 2nd grade student successfully petitioned the Portland City Council in 2018 to mitigate plastic straw use in city-owned buildings, the Maine Chapter took it to the next level with Council interest to pass a citywide ordinance becoming the first municipality in Maine to ban single-use plastic straws, stirrers and splash sticks!
This collaboration will bring SATS a step towards achieving its sustainability goal of 80 percent reduction in its carbon footprint by 2030.
Kingfisher has been one of the front runners in transforming its business into a more circular business. The focus? Smarter consumption and get ‘more from less’. Create less waste Retail Detail had an exclusive interview with Caroline Laurie, Head of Sustainability of Kingfisher plc.
The UN believes 14 of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals can be solved or advanced through virtual work. Living and working in a sustainable way is more than just good business. It can impact everything from socioeconomics to diversity to climate issues.