Webinar: Green Chemistry: Inventing a Circular Economy through a Thermodynamic Lens
The natural world is a beautiful and intricate system of intertwined and overlapping materials ecosystems.
Source: envnewsbits.info
The natural world is a beautiful and intricate system of intertwined and overlapping materials ecosystems.
Source: envnewsbits.info
Scientists have developed a hardened wood material that, when sharpened, is three times sharper than a stainless steel dinner knife, according to the new study on the work. The research comes from the University of Maryland’s Teng Li and a team that developed a new method to generate extremely hard wood. Among other things, the development may lead to more sustainable building materials. Wood contains between 40- and 50-percent cellulose, with the rest of the material compromised of binders called lignin and hemicellulose. While cellulose has a greater strength-to-density ratio than materials like metal and ceramic, the binder materials make wood overall weaker than man-made counterparts.
Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced that the Government is taking additional steps to reduce Canada’s plastic waste, support innovation, and promote the use of affordable and safe alternatives.
Japanese shipping company Mitsui O.S.K.Lines (MOL) has announced its plan to issue “Sustainability Bonds” for the financing……
President Trump is not afraid to use his executive power when necessary, but he is also quick to get government out of the way when it benefits Americans.
The biggest threat to nature is in fact human nature. Here’s why the evolution of human nature and the redefining of success is at the core of sustainability…
Read the full story at Letsrecycle.com. The European Union has published the Circular Economy Package in its Official Journal, which means the legislation will enter into force next month.