, Why we’ll still need waste in a circular economy, TheCircularEconomy.com

Why we’ll still need waste in a circular economy

, Why we’ll still need waste in a circular economy, TheCircularEconomy.comEvery year, we buy 30 billion tonnes of stuff, from pizza boxes to family homes. We throw out or demolish 13 billion tonnes of it as waste – about 2 tonnes per person. A third of what we discard was bought the same year. The extraction, use and discarding of so much stuff creates a large environmental burden, from the depletion of minerals to the destruction of rainforests.

The idea of a circular economy aims to address these problems by rejecting the take-make-dispose model of production and consumption that governs our world. Instead, waste is “designed out” and materials are kept at a high value for longer through reuse, repair and recycling.

Read the full article at: www.econotimes.com

, Why we’ll still need waste in a circular economy, TheCircularEconomy.com

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