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How Companies Can Pursue a More Circular Economy
InnovationManagement.se is one of the internet’s preeminent resources for innovation news and best practices, and is consistently recognized as a top-ten innovation blog globally.

Pop-Up NYC Museum Highlights Burden of Single-Use Plastics
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Taypa: From Social Sustainability to Industry 4.0 Application –
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Hacking down disciplinary walls: Advancing sustainability and interprofessional competencies through a hackathon model
The Calgary Interprofessional Challenge (CIC) engages university students across disciplines in a novel 44-hour hackathon based on faculty and peer-to-peer interprofessional education. CIC uses short introductory talks on problem-solving in different faculties, a series of workshops, and expert mentorship from university faculty, relevant specialists, and entrepreneurs as its core curriculum.

For a sustainable and desirable future
Innovation is quickly and inevitably changing the way we think and provide infrastructure services. In many sectors, technology is disrupting processes and market structures. The ability to harness solar power at home has the potential to turn consumers of electricity into providers, or “prosumers”. Solar-powered self-driving vehicles are blurring the boundaries between the energy and the transport sectors and is likely to significantly impact citizen mobility in the near future. In the water sector, however, despite the application of many of these new technologies, there are divergent views about the extent to which they have the potential to disrupt the sector.

Thought For The Day: Sustainability
With the New Year upon us we may reflect on some of the big issues that the world is facing. One of the biggest is our stewardship of the planet and our use of resources in a rational and sustainable way.