Zero Waste Bistro – Circular economy model
Addressing leftovers in the hospitality industry, Zero Waste Bistro sources and serves sustainability…
Addressing leftovers in the hospitality industry, Zero Waste Bistro sources and serves sustainability…
Green energy, youth engagement and a sneak-peak into the plans for the upcoming Russian Chairmanship were some of the points on the agenda of the first ever virtual Senior Arctic Officials’ plenary meeting…
Upcycle Studios shows it is possible to build houses from waste without making any concessions on quality or price.
Our recent report on chief sustainability officers (CSOs) in the U.S. revealed that women went from holding 28 percent in 2011 of the CSO positions to 54 percent in 2021. That’s a 94 percent increase. It’s a positive development to see the playing field level for women in sustainability, but what’s driving this trend? And what are the implications for women’s leadership in business more broadly? Before diving into those questions, it’s interesting to look at the trends in gender and leadership in sustainability and business.
SAPEA’s comprehensive review of the evidence on Europe’s food system finds that it is not enough simply to increase productivity in a sustainable way. We also need to change from linear mass consumption to a more circular economy — which will mean changing our norms, habits and routines.
The public believed that fast food was simply not compatible with France’s food culture. The brand faced negative perceptions regarding treatment of its workforce, overall environmental impact, and most damaging of all, the promotion of junk food. With public dissatisfaction at an all-time high, something had to change. A team of consultants from Deloitte France had a radical plan. To change the image, you’d have to start by changing the product. Listen to what the people want and then give it to them. We developed a 10-year progress plan to take the client from corporate interloper to a family-friendly sit-down restaurant.