Zero Waste Scotland launch new circular economy website
A new website by Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) has launched that will outline ways the country’s businesses can maximise opportunities in the circular economy.
A new website by Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) has launched that will outline ways the country’s businesses can maximise opportunities in the circular economy.
PepsiCo Beverages North America (PBNA) announced today a $35 million investment with Closed Loop Partners that will create the “Closed Loop Local Recycling Fund,” an innovative circular economy initiative to advance new small-scale, modular recycling systems in communities across the U.S. The fund aims to increase recycling in areas with no or limited access to recycling, reducing waste and unlocking a new supply of recycled plastic (rPET), among other valuable materials, to support PepsiCo’s pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) sustainable packaging goals. “As companies – including PepsiCo – set ambitious goals to use more recycled content in their packaging, there is more need than ever for partnerships and investments to increase recycling in the U.S.
The current crisis shows in unequivocal terms that frontline and shop-floor employees surviving hand to mouth will be disproportionately affected when the climate crisis hits.
Located 1.5km from the heart of Fremantle, East Village at Knutsford is set to become the port city’s most sustainable new development.
Rob O’Grady is an engineer and father of three who has been stirred to action by his reflections on environmental issues and his everyday encounters with the perversity of our current system. Trained in the discipline of “sustainability engineering,” he discerned early in his career that to talk of sustainability in the world of business and politics was “to pour from the empty into the void,” because the underlying context is subversive of such efforts. Rejecting a career dealing in irreconcilable contradictions, he went into the construction industry and helped to build a thriving company that employs some 150 people. But he continued to think about environmental and economic issues.
Plastic bag bans have proliferated along South Carolina’s coast, but now Richland County may pass one of its own. I would be the first inland county to do so.
The Czech Liaison Office for Research Development and Innovation (CZELO) together with the Lithuanian Research Development and Innovation Liaison Office (LINO) are pleased to invite you to online event on “Food Safety – What is the role of research and innovation?”. The main objective of the webinar is to address the role of research and innovation in delivering the European Commission and UN SDGs objectives on food safety, adaptation to climate change and improving the tolerance of crops and livestock to stress, drought and floods.