Can palm oil enter the circular economy?
Its waste product should be the next big thing in bioenergy, scientists say…
Its waste product should be the next big thing in bioenergy, scientists say…
Who your customers are may factor into sustainability decisions.
E-waste doesn’t just exist on earth, it exists in orbit too – and we’ve created loads in the past couple of decades. We interview Luisa Innocenti from the European Space Agency (ESA) to learn about their space debris and the Clean Space initiative.
The circular economy can be defined as an ideal, zero-waste economy where the materials we use every day follow a closed-loop, circular journey that starts with manufacturing and utilization and then moves into reuse, repair, redistribute, refurbish, remanufacture and sometimes compost. With a circular economy, everything comes back and is used again in one form or another, minimizing or completely eliminating landfills and incineration. The circular economy differs from the existing linear economy, where things are produced, used and then some things can be reused or recycled, but some things end up in the landfill, oceans or other places they don’t belong. Some types of plastics are especially problematic in terms of recycling, but increasingly, manufacturers are becoming more conscious of the materials they’re producing and using to ensure that they can either be recycled, reused or composted.
New report presents data that shows the need for a human rights-based approach to developing the small- scale fisheries sector in order to reach SDG 14.b.
The Transport for Under Two Degrees project published a report on October 8 arguing that governments around the world should stop subsiding motoring, must hike fuel prices, and, instead, build cycleways and wider sidewalks to accommodate a future of “active transport” in cities.
The Vermont Senate has been considering a bill that would not only ban the use of single-use plastic bags but also bar plastic straws and expanded…