Georgia Tech launches sustainability master’s degree
Georgia Tech premieres its Master of Science in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM).
Georgia Tech premieres its Master of Science in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management (MSEEM).
The new Real Bread Campaign initiative to support homebakers….
Tell your state legislators to support this bill that would reduce throwaway plastics by 75% by 2032, phasing out packaging and containers that can’t be recycled or composted.
Keen to capture the commercial value of Origin Green participation to drive engagement around the business case for sustainability, we partnered with EY to do an independent commercial impact assessment.
On July 8th, join us as we share the findings and highlight the opportunity for members to measure the impacts of their sustainability initiatives in their business and what the benefits of doing so are.
Feng Lin, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, will use a new National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award to develop rechargeable batteries that he hopes could one day impact the energy market.
Delivery vessel developed under contracts with DARPA…