KFC fries ties with single-use plastic
Fast food giant promises global phase-out of single use plastic by 2025,as Hershey becomes latest global brand to announce a science based emissions target…
Source: www.businessgreen.com
Fast food giant promises global phase-out of single use plastic by 2025,as Hershey becomes latest global brand to announce a science based emissions target…
Source: www.businessgreen.com
Maple Leaf Foods is committed to reducing our environmental footprint on energy, water and waste, while advocating for change across the industry. Our vision is to be the most sustainable protein company on earth.
As HPE closes out the 2021 fiscal year, it expects supply chain challenges to remain an issue for at least another six months, the company said Thursday. “We continue to navigate the industry-wide supply chain challenges that have been worsening lately,” CFO Tarek Robbiati said during the company’s Securities Analyst Meeting. “With materials in short supply and logistic costs rising, we expect the supply chain issues will likely take well into the second half of the next calendar year to begin abating.” At the same time, the company expects to end the fiscal year with even higher backlogs than it did at the beginning of Q4.
In an office made from a jigsaw puzzle of reclaimed windows, a single-use fork is being fed into a transparent cube. A hand crank is turned on the side of the cube and the fork is being shredded, ready to be melted down into a filament that can be 3D-printed into a brand new product, in this case a ring with a heart. “Plastic is a wonderful material,” muses Casper van der Meer. “Our message isn’t that we’re against plastics, we just have to use it better and to recycle it.”
04/03/2019 Speaker Sofie Bouteligier Organisation: Public Waste Agency of Flanders and EU Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Downloads The circular economy and carbon neutrality by 2050 en Related content Related events:
Forsters are supporting The Chancery Lane Project – a pro bono collective effort by lawyers to develop new drafting for contracts and laws to help fight climate change. The UK government has committed to achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.
Why does our infrastructure have such difficulty with sustainability?