Rachel and Helen-Sage Lee, identical twins and Co-Founders of PRISM Bags, launched the ultimate, hands-free bag for quarantine on Kickstarter. The ACTIVE Recycled Fanny Pack innovatively reimagines single-use plastic waste from the pandemic by using 100% recycled nylon, engineered from plastics such as water bottles and takeout containers. A new line of functional fanny packs inspired by our new normal. Made of 100% recycled nylon from single-use plastics. The product is fitting for our times, as the COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a severe impact on the environment, but also had a disruptive effect on the lives of many women. Waste from single-use plastics, namely disposable masks, takeout containers, and plastic bags, has globally surged, with enough plastic waste produced to cover the entire land mass of Switzerland. In addition, women have had to adapt to their new lives during the pandemic, since there has still been a need to run errands masked up, go for an outdoor walk, or grab take-out. Women’s fashion lacks function and purses and backpacks on the market are too big for the work-from-home culture.