Navigating back to sustainability: perspectives from Tanzania
An interview with Blue Ventures’ partner support technicians in East Africa, Haji Machano and Khamis Juma…
An interview with Blue Ventures’ partner support technicians in East Africa, Haji Machano and Khamis Juma…
Free CPD training with Lyfta; Teach Sustainable Development Goals, Skills & Values with Lyfta. Part of the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Programme.
Howland Green is debuting a new energy-efficient development at Milton’s Bronte West Condominiums, west of Toronto. The developer’s projects are known for their “beyond net-zero” green building practises.
The transition towards a circular economy is among the core objectives of policy-makers at all levels of government. Yet, its full and effective achievement strongly depends on the readiness of all the societal and economic actors. In this regard, a growing mismatch between skills and labour needs can hamper both the transition as well as the possibility to exploit its great potential for employment and social inclusion. To counter this trend and facilitate the adoption of effective models by regions and vocational educational and training (VET) organisation, AER launched a dedicated webinar within the 2020 edition of the Skillman International Forum. During the first day of the Skillman International Forum (10-11 December 2020), AER held the webinar ‘Circular Economy: Opportunities and Needs in the Labour Market’.
Percentage of stock U.S. households own determines the market’s 10-year return, writes Mark Hulbert.
The fashion industry loves a good initiative, but are we approaching initiative fatigue or can partnerships help promote sustainability?
We need to improve the design of buildings to minimise wastage of energy. Lam Khee Poh of the National University of Singapore explains how sophisticated com…