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Towards advancing green business and circular economy in Africa
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Hope in Hell. A decade for the climate emergency, reviewed
Climate change is the defining issue of our time – we know, beyond reasonable doubt, what that science now tells us. Just as climate change is accelerating, so too must we – summoning up a greater sense of urgency, courage and shared endeavour than humankind has ever seen before. The Age of Climate Change is an age of superlatives: most extreme this, biggest that, most costly ever. The impacts worsen every year, played out in people’s backyards and communities, and more and more people around the world now realise this is going to be a massive challenge for the rest of their lives. In Hope in Hell, Porritt confronts that dilemma head on.

Sustainability | Kurzweil
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Hamburg-based BIO-LUTIONS raises €8.3 million from Delivery Hero for its ecological alternatives to single-use plastics | EU-Startups
With plastics flooding the oceans at a rate of 8 million metric tons per year, threatening sea life, last October, the EU rightly voted to ban the use of single-use plastics such as cuttlery and straws by 2020 (though plastic bottles…