I can’t buy single use plastic bags at the supermarket anymore, but companies get away with this…
r/assholedesign: Because nothing comes before profit, especially not the consumer.
Source: www.reddit.com
r/assholedesign: Because nothing comes before profit, especially not the consumer.
Source: www.reddit.com
Space-concerned organizations around the world are developing the Space Sustainability Rating system to help with the space junk problem.
The role of insulation in sustainability is important to think about as you choose which materials to use within your home.
Come along to this webinar discussion to explore the connections between Community Learning and Development and Learning for Sustainability.
There are many aspects of CLD practice which align with Learning for Sustainability in terms of building a socially-just, sustainable and equitable society. This session will provide the opportunity to share practice and explore these links in more detail with practitioners from across Scotland.
The session will share footage from the 2021 Learning for Sustainability Awards and presenters will include colleagues from Education Scotland, Youthlink and Learning for Sustainability Scotland.
The lack of reliable power is sparking a political crisis on the island territory of Puerto Rico, where years of neglect, a string of severe hurricanes and a shaky takeover by a private contractor have resulted in the most expensive and unreliable electricity in the U.S., according to The New York Times. And attempts to rebuild or patch a grid that was ailing even before the storms hit risk making things worse, University of Puerto Rico professor Agustín A. Irizarry told the Times.
If you’re like me, you have a dedicated junk drawer which is designated for holding a whole bunch of stuff. While it used to be filled with random hot sauce packets and takeout menus, in this age of technology, my junk drawer is filled with a bunch of micro-USB cables and other miscellaneous tech…
Holcim officials, led by President and Chief Executive Officer John Stull (fifth from left) and Vice President for Geocycle Frederic Vallat (third from left),…