Innovators Creating Sustainable Coastal Solutions
With 34% of the world’s coasts at high risk of degradation from coastal development, we look at some solutions designed to help restore our coastlines…
With 34% of the world’s coasts at high risk of degradation from coastal development, we look at some solutions designed to help restore our coastlines…
Many people think that creating sustainable homes is just the latest in a long line of home improvement trends. It isn’t. Almost a third of home builders are making 60 percent of their projects green and more than half think they will be increasing the amount of sustainable builds they do in the…
Filinvest City raises the bar for city planning, producing a live-work-play balance in an environment that thrives in sustainable practices amid rapid urbanization.
With its innovative, sustainable, and resilient master plan, Filinvest City serves as an ideal destination for future investors that will help pump up the country’s economy even amidst the crisis.
Sustainable community well adept in the new normal
Filinvest City prides itself on an environment that fosters human connection while preserving sustainability towards a safe and healthy future.
KFC France has announced the news with its ‘#PaillePailleLesPailles’ ad campaign.
Score 35 percent off everything…
Retailer also gives $1M to food banks in dual-purpose campaign…
Working around building occupants in institutional and commercial facilities is a challenging aspect of project management for maintenance and engineering managers. A global pandemic is not the ideal strategy for managers addressing that challenge. But when colleges and universities switched to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, it gave managers an unexpected though hardly welcomed opportunity to address projects. The pandemic sent home more than 30,000 students and hundreds of faculty members at Sacramento State University in California. The empty campus the exodus created gave the university’s maintenance team a chance to take on a tough project more easily – a lighting retrofit inside one of the university’s most vital buildings.