Osprey Packs doubles down on sustainability
The pack giant promises to become the world’s most sustainable hardgoods brand yet.
Source: www.snewsnet.com
The pack giant promises to become the world’s most sustainable hardgoods brand yet.
Source: www.snewsnet.com
Restaurants would be limited to recyclable, compostable containers for to-go packaging…
Like so many other ‘progressive’ policies, these green policies are slamming face-first into the wall of ‘unintended consequences’. This one is running afoul of the Wuhan Flu panic.
In line with ITC’s ideology of “India First”, ITC is leading the way for sustainability in the country.
The European Parliament has approved a law banning a wide-range of single-use plastic items, such as straws, cotton buds and cutlery, by 2021.The law,…
Aligned on the growing importance of environmentally responsible products in the baby and toddler market, Smart Plastic Technologies and Munchkin, Inc. announced today that they have signed an exclusive joint development agreement to create baby lifestyle products using Smart Plastic’s patent-pending ECLIPSE™ technology. This partnership will introduce revolutionary consumer goods to the baby and toddler market, which is estimated to be worth USD 25 billion by 2028.
Read the full article at: ca.finance.yahoo.com
Take our Sustainability Pledge! I pledge to do the following to the best of my ability and to educate myself and others about how to live sustainably: I will reduce my waste I will compost within my community I will reduce, reuse, recycle, and redesign I will garden at home to offset my carbon footprint I will buy and consume locally grown food I will choose natural solutions to harmful pesticides and chemicals when gardening to protect my food and watershed. I will consume more plant-based proteins I will minimize plastic use whenever possible and utilize alternatives I will work to create a sustainable lifestyle I will be a positive force in the universe