Refining SOIL’s Path to Financial Sustainability
Dignity, Transformation, Growth…
Dignity, Transformation, Growth…
For many nations, gross domestic product is the primary measure of a society’s success. The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan gauges achievement by a different standard: gross national happiness (GNH).The Royal Government of Bhutan’s GNH index measures a “holistic and sustainable approach to development,”…
Along with a gorgeous design, the Koleda SOLUS+ Household Heater offers a smart and cost-efficient way to warm your home.
The partnership between Inter IKEA Group and the Foundation will focus on putting the home furnishing business on the global circular map and accelerating the transition to a circular economy within IKEA and beyond. Working together, one of the first projects will be to develop a common glossary of terms to support an industry-wide transition. Lena Pripp-Kovac, chief sustainability officer, Inter IKEA Group, said: “To become circular is one of our big ambitions and challenges for the future. It is a transformational shift of our entire business from how we develop our products and services, and source materials, to how we work through the supply chain and meet our customers.
Environment Minister Jose Herrera today launched Resource, Recovery and Recycling Agency, and the CEO will be Marc Muscat, who has been a consultant to Herrera for a number of years. The Agency…
Environmental caution is an attitude must adopt if we want to achieve the challenging climate change targets set by the government. At a time where climate change is reaching a peak, actions have to be taken.
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